Culinary Adventures with Never Not Eating!

Welcome to the Never Not Eating recipe hub, where the ancient flavours of the Middle East and North Africa come alive in a symphony of taste and tradition. Our chef-inspired spice blends are more than just seasonings; they’re an invitation to embark on a culinary journey that traverses bustling shuks, sun-drenched fields, and the cozy kitchens of grandmothers from Israel to Istanbul and beyond.

As a proud Canadian company, we've intertwined the rich gastronomic legacy of the region with the diverse culinary canvas of Canada. Whether you're looking to recreate the authenticity of a traditional tagine, or infuse a modern dish with a touch of za'atar, our carefully crafted blends will elevate your meals and tantalize your taste buds.

Dive into our curated collection of recipes, each one a testament to the timeless allure of Middle Eastern and North African cuisine. Each blend tells a story, every dish a celebration. Because with Never Not Eating, every meal is a delicious chapter in an endless feast.

Happy Cooking! 



23 Za'atar Recipes



Whipped Feta with Sumac, Za'atar & Cucumbers

Devilled Chraime Egg Salad 

Za'atar Potato Chips

7 Spice Pistachios 

Crunchy Za'atar Chickpeas

Feta Lemon Relish 


Rubs, Dressings, Dips & Drizzly Delights!

Za'atar Dip

Chraime Shakshuka Jam

Hummus Tahina

Chraime Rib Rub

Sumac Pickled Onions

Chraime Burger Sauce

Za'atar Aioli 

Za'atar Olive Crumble

Parsley Sumac Sauce

Russian(ish) Dressing



Tahini Lime Chraime Dressing


Bunny Food

Lemon Za'atar Potatoes

Grilled Spiced Cauliflower

Chraime Spiced Corn

Roasted Halloumi with Tomatoes & Za'atar

Caramelized Cabbage & Za'atar Tart

Roasted Parsnips & Onions with Sumac & Feta

Chraime Roasted Eggplant

Pomegranate Roasted Carrots with Sumac

Fennel & Grapefruit Salad with Baharat Dressing

Za'atar Potato Salad

Chopped Salad

Israeli Spiced Mexican Street Corn Salad


Sumac Cucumber Salad

Whole Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Tomato Pie


Gimme Carbs

Za'atar Manakeesh


Za'atar Straws

Za'atar & Olive Focaccia


Persian Green Rice

Carrot Rice Pilaf


Tahini, Sumac & Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Eggplant Shawarma

Brown Butter Za'atar Pasta

Za'atar and Labneh Pasta


Get Sandwiched

Za'atar Burger with Chraime Aioli

Ultimate NNE Breakfast Sandwich

Crispy Mushroom Sandwich

Chickpea Toasts

Lamb Arayes


Eggie Things

Cilbir (Turkish Eggs)

Za'atar Baked Eggs


Green Shakshuka


Home, home on the range

The Brisket

Grilled Middle Eastern Meatballs


Things that go cluck gobble cluck 

Za'atar Roasted Chicken with Sumac Onions

Turkey Kebabs with 2 Sauces

Chicken & Mushroom Shawarma Kebabs

Chicken Lule Kebab

Grilled Baharat Chicken

Za'atar Roasted Chicken with Sumac Potatoes

Za'atar Honey Roasted Chicken with Dried Fruit

Pomegranate Molasses Roasted Chicken with Za'atar & Chraime

Classic Chicken Shawarma

Tahini Chicken with Chickpeas & Dates

Chicken Ktzitzot

Yogurt Marinated Grilled Chicken

Chicken Shawarma Salad

Za'atar Chicken with Cauliflower & Chickpeas

Za'atar Fried Chicken with Spicy Thyme Honey


Baa baa black, umm lamb? 

Za'atar Lamb Sliders with Chraime Yogurt Tahini Sauce

7 Spice Lamb Sliders With Yogurt Tahini Sauce

Baharat Lamb Kebabs



Sweet & Spicy Chraime Bacon

Pork Chops with Sherry 7 Spice Pan Sauce



Chraime Spiced Salmon with Israeli Couscous

Moroccan Chraime Fish Balls

Baharat Shrimp & Veg BBQ Basket

Other Moroccan Fish Balls

Za'atar Salmon



Some of these recipes are our own and some have been borrowed/edited.